Return a newly created array of the specified size.
array(number) : array|null
Return a newly created structure.
struct() : struct
Return a newly created set.
set() : set
Insert an object to a set.
insert(set, object) : null
Remove an object from a set.
remove(set, object) : null
Check if a set contains an object.
contains(set, object) : bool|null
Return number of items in an array, struct or set. Return number of characters in a string.
size(array|struct|set|string) : int|null
Create union of two sets.
union(set, set) : set|null
Create intersection of two sets.
intersection(set, set) : set|null
Create difference of two sets.
difference(set, set) : set|null
Push an item to the front of an array.
pushFront(array, object) : null
Push an item to the back of an array.
pushBack(array, object) : null
Remove an item from the front of an array.
popFront(array) : null
Remove an item from the back of an array.
popBack(array) : null
Get the front item of an array.
front(array) : object|null
Get the back item of an array.
back(array) : object|null
Set property with name string and value object to all struct-like items (struct, vertex, edge) saved in the array, struct or set.
setPropertyToAllStructItems(array|struct|set, string, object) : null
Stack implementation using array data type.
function main(argv) { stack = array(0); stack.pushBack(0); stack.pushBack(1); stack.pushBack(2); println(stack.back()); stack.popBack(); println(stack.back()); stack.popBack(); println(stack.back()); stack.popBack(); println(stack.back()); stack.popBack(); }
2 1 0 NULL
Queue implementation using array data type.
function main(argv) { queue = array(0); queue.pushBack(0); queue.pushBack(1); queue.pushBack(2); println(queue.front()); queue.popFront(); println(queue.front()); queue.popFront(); println(queue.front()); queue.popFront(); println(queue.front()); queue.popFront(); }
0 1 2 NULL
Linked list implementation using structs
function listCreate() { ret = struct(); ret.val = null; ret.ptr = null; return ret; } function listPushFront(list, item) { ret = struct(); ret.val = item; ret.ptr = list; return ret; } function listDisplay(list) { while(list.ptr != null) { echo("Item: " + list.val + "\n"); list = list.ptr; } } function main(argv) { list = listCreate(); list = list.listPushFront(1); list = list.listPushFront(2); list = list.listPushFront(3.14); list = list.listPushFront("Hello, world!"); a = array(3); a[0] = 2.8; a[2] = "bagr"; list = list.listPushFront(a); list.listDisplay(); }
Item: #Array Item: Hello, world! Item: 3.14 Item: 2 Item: 1
2D matrix implementation using arrays
function createMatrix(size) { num = 0; matrix = array(size); foreach(row; matrix) { row = array(size); foreach(item; row) item = num++; } return matrix; } function displayMatrix(matrix) { foreach(row; matrix) { foreach(item; row) { echo(item); echo(" "); } echo("\n"); } } function main(argv) { breakpoint(true); matrix = createMatrix(3); matrix.displayMatrix(); }
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8