Graphal was designed to have as less dependencies as possible. Graphal library and Graphal CLI requires only C++ compiler and standard C++ library STL. Source code generation using GNU Bison and Perl can be disabled during build, the repository contains pregenerated source codes. Graphal GUI adds only Qt library and relevant Qt tools to the dependencies.
[woq@evm graphal]$ ./configure Checking build tools for libGraphal and Graphal CLI... make: yes g++: yes mkdir: yes cp: yes rm: yes ln: yes bison: yes perl: yes Checking additional build tools for Graphal GUI... qmake: yes Checking install tools... install: yes /sbin/ldconfig: yes Checking optional tools... objcopy: yes doxygen: yes sloccount: yes cat: yes find: yes wc: yes grep: yes valgrind: yes It seems all mandatory tools are available, build and optionally install the software using: make make install [woq@evm graphal]$
Graphal was implemented under Debian Lenny GNU/Linux (2008, 2009) and then Debian Squeeze GNU/Linux (2013) operating systems. The application was successfully ported to MS Windows 2000 and MS Windows XP.
[woq@evm graphal]$ make -v | grep Make GNU Make 3.81 [woq@evm graphal]$
[woq@evm graphal]$ gcc -v | grep version gcc version 4.3.2 (Debian 4.3.2-1.1) [woq@evm graphal]$
[woq@evm graphal]$ bison -V | grep bison bison (GNU Bison) 2.3 [woq@evm graphal]$
[woq@evm graphal]$ perl -v | grep 'This is perl' This is perl, v5.10.0 built for i486-linux-gnu-thread-multi [woq@evm graphal]$
[woq@evm ~]$ qtcreator -version 2>&1 | grep Creator Qt Creator 1.2.1 based on Qt 4.5.2 [woq@evm ~]$
The version Qt libraries 4.5 for Windows (167 Mb) (qt-win-opensource-4.5.1-mingw.exe) was used under MS Windows. The installer doesn't set the PATH variable, paths to C:/Qt/4.5.1/bin and C:/MinGW/bin directories have to be added manually. The installer installs whole Qt including the documentation and the code samples, this parts can be deleted to save disk space.