Graph Functions

Vertices and edges have the same behavior as structures. Dot notation object.value can be used to access their properties.

Return a newly created graph.

graph() : graph

Load a graph from a file (file format).

loadFromFile(graph, string) : bool

Check if a graph is directed.

isDirected(graph) : bool|null

Set a new value of directed flag and return the previous value.

setDirected(graph, number) : bool|null

Invert the direction of edges in a graph.

invertEdgesDirection(graph) : null

Create a new vertex in a graph.

generateVertex(graph) : vertex|null

Create a new edge in a graph.

generateEdge(graph, vertex, vertex) : edge|null

Delete a vertex from a graph.

deleteVertex(graph, vertex) : null

Delete an edge from a graph.

deleteEdge(graph, edge) : null

Get count of vertices in a graph.

getNumVertices(graph) : int|null

Get count of edges in a graph.

getNumEdges(graph) : int|null

Get graph's vertices as a set object.

getVertices(graph) : set|null

Get graph's edges as a set object.

getEdges(graph) : set|null

Get degree of a vertex.

getDegree(vertex) : int|null

Get all neighbors of a vertex as a set object.

getNeighbors(vertex) : set|null

Get the begin vertex of an edge. If the graph is not directed, one of the edge's vertices will be returned.

getBeginVertex(edge) : vertex|null

Get the end vertex of an edge. If the graph is not directed, one of the edge's vertices will be returned.

getEndVertex(edge) : vertex|null

Create adjacency matrix from a graph. 2D array (array containing arrays in all items) will be returned.

getAdjacencyMatrix(graph) : array

Set property with name string and value object to all vertices of a graph.

setPropertyToAllVertices(graph, string, object) : null

Set property with name string and value object to all edges of a graph.

setPropertyToAllEdges(graph, string, object) : null


Manual graph generation and recursive depth first search.

define("NUM_VERTICES", "10"); // In one layer
define("NEW", "0");
define("CLOSED", "1");

// Recursive depth first search
function dfs(v)
	if(v.state == CLOSED)

	echo("Closing vertex: " + v.num + "\n");
	v.state = CLOSED;

	foreach(neighbor; v.getNeighbors())

// Generate testing graph and run DFS
function main(argv)
//	o ----- o ----- o ----- ...
//	|       |       |
//	|       |       |
//	o       o       o

	g = graph();
	v1 = g.generateVertex();
	v1.num = 0;
	first = v1;

	// Generate first layer
	for(i = 1; i < NUM_VERTICES; i++)
		v2 = g.generateVertex();
		v2.num = i;

		g.generateEdge(v1, v2);
		v1 = v2;

	// Generate second layer
	foreach(v1; g.getVertices())
		v2 = g.generateVertex();
		v2.num = i++;
		g.generateEdge(v1, v2);

	// Initialize states
	foreach(v; g.getVertices())
		v.state = NEW;

	// Run dfs algorithm (pass any vertex)
Closing vertex: 0
Closing vertex: 1
Closing vertex: 2
Closing vertex: 3
Closing vertex: 11
Closing vertex: 4
Closing vertex: 5
Closing vertex: 6
Closing vertex: 7
Closing vertex: 17
Closing vertex: 8
Closing vertex: 9
Closing vertex: 18
Closing vertex: 16
Closing vertex: 12
Closing vertex: 15
Closing vertex: 19
Closing vertex: 10
Closing vertex: 14
Closing vertex: 13

Load a graph from a file and print its adjacency matrix.

function displayAdjacencyMatrix(matrix, vertices)
	echo("  |");
	foreach(vertex; vertices.iterator())
		echo("" + vertex.__id + " ");


	it = vertices.iterator();

	foreach(line; matrix.iterator())
			vertex =;

		echo("" + vertex.__id + " |");
		foreach(item; line.iterator())
			echo("" + item + " ");


function main(argv)
	g = graph();
	displayAdjacencyMatrix(g.getAdjacencyMatrix(), g.getVertices());
  |1 3 0 2
1 |0 1 1 1
3 |1 0 1 1
0 |1 1 0 1
2 |1 1 1 0