Graph Algorithms Interpreter
Graphal is an interpreter of a programming language that is mainly oriented to graph algorithms. There is a command line interpreter and a graphical integrated development environment. The IDE contains text editor for programmers, compilation and script output, advanced debugger and visualization window. The progress of the interpreted and debugged graph algorithm can be displayed in 3D scene.
Main Features
- The script code looks very similar to C or Java language.
- Shared library and CLI application is written in C++ with STL.
- GUI application uses Qt library.
- There is no other dependency to any external library.
- Core library, CLI and GUI applications are separated.
- Null, bool, int, float, string, array, struct, set, vertex, edge and graph data types.
- Global and local variables.
- C/C++ like evaluation of expressions.
- If-else, for, while and foreach statements.
- Return, break and continue structured jumps.
- Built-in and user defined functions.
- Preprocessor includes and defines.
- Text editor for programmers with syntax highlighting.
- Window with compilation and script output.
- Interactive visualization Window with graph in 3D space.
- Advanced debugging of the scripts.
- Runnable on GNU/Linux and MS Windows, other operating systems are probably supported too.
- Core library licensed under GNU LGPL, applications under GNU GPL.
25 August 2013
- Version 1.0.1 released.
- MS Windows port.
18 April 2013
2 April 2013
- The project moved to site and renamed to Graphal.
- Subversion repository replaced by GIT and cleaned.
- The core of interpreter moved to a shared library and licensed under GNU LGPL.
- Build scripts completely rewritten.
- Various fixes and code updates.
12 December 2009
- The first version released, final exam successfully passed.
- No update for a long time.
27 October 2008